Small Changes.
Big Results.
We treat all ages—from babies to older adults—utilizing Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, and Chinese Herbs for people who are willing to incorporate small changes into their lives in order to make a big difference in their health.
our services
Some of our specialties include headaches, neck and back pain, sports-related injuries, and fibromyalgia. We have also had great success with women’s medicine including fertility through pregnancy, with a birth rate of 80 percent among fertility patients. Patients often seek us out for allergies, immune support, and digestive issues as well.

Acupuncture stimulates the body to heal itself naturally, and people are often surprised by the wide range of conditions that can be treated.

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a relaxing and restorative healing therapy that uses a light touch and gentle manual techniques to assess for imbalances in the skeletal, tissue, and cerebrospinal fluid systems.

Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used alone or in combination with Acupuncture and Craniosacral therapies and there are a variety of conditions that can be treated.
About Cristi
Cristi DeMarco, L.Ac. MAOM, Dipl. OM
Licensed Acupuncturist / Nationally Certified Herbalist / Craniosacral Therapist
Cristi began her journey in healing in 2000 with the internal meditative practices of tai chi and qigong. She holds a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture with training in Chinese and Japanese styles of Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She is licensed to practice Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the Maine Board of Complementary Health Care Providers. Cristi is nationally board certified in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).
New Patients
There is currently a waiting list for new patients.
New patients will be placed on the waiting list in the order that inquiries are received. Calls and emails will be returned within a few weeks.
To be added to the wait list, contact Cristi at:
Phone: (207) 778-9700
Procedures Regarding COVID-19
- Please inform me before your appointment if you have symptoms or diagnosis of COVID-19.
- You do not have to cancel for a mild cold, wearing a mask in the common areas is appreciated if you are coughing/sneezing.
- Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
I continue to offer:
- Contactless payment.
- Sinks and sanitizer pumps for hand hygiene.
- A well-ventilated, disinfected treatment room.
- A space where all patients can lay down on the table and relax!
What Clients Have to Say
“I started acupuncture with Cristi DeMarco approximately 6 months ago for lower back and shoulder pain at the suggestion of a Fitcorp personal trainer. I went in not knowing anything about acupuncture and feeling a little apprehensive. Cristi made me feel so comfortable and relaxed. I walked out of my first session feeling great and started recommending her to my friends.”